The Rehab-scales web site has been developped in the late 1990's at Université catholique de Louvain (UCLouvain), in the lab of rehabilitation by a group of researchers specialized in the assessment of rehabilitation outcomes. Recently, the Rehab-scales web site has been further developped in collaboration with Haute Ecole Louvain en Hainaut (HELHa).
All Rehab-scales have been developped with the Rasch model, a state-of-the-art item response model that allows continuous, linear and unidimensional functional measurement along the patient follow-up. The scales are developped to cover a wide range of pathologies and of outcomes meaningful to rehabilitation. All Rehab-scales can be used free of charge for daily clincial practice and research and have been translated in many different languages. A license is required to use any Rehab-scale in a clinical trial or in a commercial application. The licenses are distributed by Arsalis SRL, a spin-off of our university lab. Many members of the lab are now teaching rehabilitation and outcome measurement at UCLouvain and HELHa or in other high schools.

Massimo Penta
Massimo is an electromechanical engineer and has a PhD in biomedical sciences.
He is a co-author of ABILHAND and of several other Rehab-scales. He is an invited professor at UCLouvain where he teaches psychometry using the Rasch model and applications of technology in rehabilitation.
He is also the General Manager of Arsalis. His interest in research concerns the methodology of outcome evaluation in rehabilitation, the measurement of human movement and the study of motor control of manual tasks and locomotion.
Massimo provides support on Rehab-scales for ABILHAND and ACTIVLIM.

Jean-Louis Thonnard
Jean-Louis received the BA and MA degrees in physical education and in physical therapy from UCLouvain, Belgium, in 1977 and 1979, respectively. He received the PhD degree in rehabilitation from UCLouvain in 1988. He has been a Professor with UCLouvain between 2004 and 2020. Since 2020 he is Professor Emeritus with UCLouvain.
His interests in research concern the sense of touch and its role in dexterous manipulation. More particularly, he investigated the biomechanical properties of the fingertips and their role in tactile perception and dexterous manipulation. In addition he contributed to the development of the ABILHAND scale using the Rasch model. Then he was co-author of most of the Rehab-scales.
Jean-Louis provides support on Rehab-scales for ACTIVLIM, ABILOCO, SATIS-Stroke, PM Scale and SPS.

Carlyne Arnould
Carlyne is a physiotherapist and has a PhD in physiotherapy and rehabilitation.
She is a co-author of ABILHAND-Kids and several other Rehab-scales. Carlyne is a teacher-researcher at Haute Ecole Louvain en Hainaut (HELHa), teaching neurophysiology, neurological physiotherapy and research methodology. She is a member of the Human Form & Functioning laboratory (FFH) associated to the CeREF-Santé of the HELHa. Her interest in research concerns the development and use of outcome measures and particularly in neurological rehabilitation.
Carlyne provides support on Rehab-scales for scales concerning children (incl. ABILHAND-Kids, ABILOCO-Kids, ACTIVLIM-CP.
Main contributors
Batcho Charles Sèbiyo, Université catholique de Louvain, main contributor of ACTIVLIM for chronic stroke;
Bleyenheuft Yannick, Université catholique de Louvain, main contributor of ACTIVLIM-Kids for cerebral palsy;
Bouffioulx Edouard, Université catholique de Louvain, main contributor of SATIS-Stroke for chronic stroke;
Caty Gilles, Université catholique de Louvain, main contributor of ABILOCO for chronic stroke and ABILOCO-Kids for cerebral palsy;
Decruynaere Céline, Université catholique de Louvain, main contributor of SPS for chronic pain;
Durez Patrick, Université catholique de Louvain, has contributed to ABILHAND for rheumatoid arthritis;
El Khoury Ghady, Université catholique de Louvain, main contributor of ABILHAND for hand surgery;
Kossi Oyéné, Université catholique de Louvain, main contributor of PM Scale for chronic stroke;
Lobet Sebastien, Université catholique de Louvain, main contributor of ACTIVLIM for hemophilia;
Sogbossi Emmanuel, Université catholique de Louvain, main contributor of ABILOCO and ACTIVLIM-Kids for stroke and cerebral palsy in Western Africa;
Vandervelde Laure, Université catholique de Louvain, main contributor of ABILHAND and ACTIVLIM for neuromuscular disorder;
Vanthuyne Marie, Université catholique de Louvain, main contributor of ABILHAND for systemic sclerosis.
Contact us for each Rehab-scale
abilhand@rehab-scales.org for ABILHAND adults;
abilhand-kids@rehab-scales.org for ABILHAND children;
activlim@rehab-scales.org for ACTIVLIM adults;
activlim-kids@rehab-scales.org for ACTIVLIM children;
abiloco@rehab-scales.org for ABILOCO adults;
abiloco-kids@rehab-scales.org for ABILOCO children;
pm-scale@rehab-scales.org for PM-Scales adults;
satis-stroke@rehab-scales.org for SATIS-Stroke adults;
sps@rehab-scales.org for Situational Pain Scale adults.